Standard ActuatorStandard Actuator直线模组滑台
Customized marble platform,
Standard Belt Actuator,
Standard rack Actuator
Product features:
A. Diversified products, easy to match and choose, and can be tailored to special customized products.
B. Single axis can be arbitrarily combined into multi-axis use, easy assembly and maintenance.
C. Motor connection can be selected according to the use of space, motor hidden, motor direct, motor indirect... .

A. 产品多样化,易于搭配选用,并可量身订做特殊客制化产品。
B. 单轴可任意搭配成多轴使用,组装与维护方便容易。
C. 马达连结可依照使用空间选择马达内藏、马达直接、马达间接等...。